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Overview of Nooxl terms and their meaning.


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AccountAn account includes one or more Nooxl Apps. Within an account, data can be "exchanged" between apps, so that, for example, cross- departmental work (one app per department) can be carried out on the basis of a single data source.
AppA Nooxl application consisting of at least one Excel template.
TemplateA menu item in the left navigation.
CatalogCatalogs or element catalogs are collections of (similar) elements. For example, you could create a catalog User, in which you maintain all users of your app.
Catalogs or selections on their elements can be read into Nooxl at various places.
ElementAn element of a catalog.
ConditionA subset of elements of a catalog.  Elements can be part of any number of conditions.
ReleaseSee template versions.
WorkmodeThe normal mode in which Nooxl users find themselves when working with the app.
design modeThe design mode, which is used by administrators to customize/ develop the app
DatasetA dataset is a combination of one element out of each of the catalogs that form the selection of the template.
Database markA database mark is a cell or a range of connected cells (not necessarily shown as connected cells in Excel) that has a database connection. The connection can be read and/or write.
FunctionSee Functions , which can be utilized for extended program logic.
ViewA special markup that is used in the template to define what should be displayed in work mode.
StateEvery action (editing and saving) of a user in a template causes Nooxl to create a new state of the template and the data contained in it. This makes it possible to track changes.
MarkupCells marked in Nooxl, which can be given further abilities:
Storage Function View